Stone's Mac
Ginger is one of the oldest herbs known to man and is popular in oriental cooking and confectionary. Ginger has also been linked with many therapeutic values. The character of the ginger is drawn out by infusing it for an extended period. This infusion is then added to a neutral dry white wine, before it is then blended further with
other components to make one of the varieties of wines under the “Stone’s” family label.
This bottle is carefully crafted using Stone's Original Green Ginger Wine and follows our traditional recipe to maintain the quality and integrity to give a true Stone's Mac flavour. Served neat, or on ice, it is a most appealing drink with a clearly defined character. Stone's Mac provides a full flavoured alternative to straight Stone's Original
Green Ginger Wine and experimentation will result in an almost limitless range of
cocktails and mixed drinks. A harmless deposit may rest in the base of this bottle. This is due to the high level of natural ingredients used in producing its unique flavour.
Alcohol – 18.5% alc. vol.
Size - 750mL
Coeliac Friendly