- 4 whole rainbow trout scaled and gutted
- Salt and Pepper to season
- 1 cup of flour to dust trout
- 100g butter
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 1 knob of ginger
- 250ml Stone’s Original Green Ginger Wine
- 2 zucchini cut into fine julienne
- 200g mushrooms finely sliced
- 4 tbsp butter
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 4 tbsp toasted almonds
- Fresh picked herbs to garnish
Prepare and clean trout, leaving the heads on, wipe over with paper towel and pat dry. Then season with salt and pepper and dust with flour. Heat a tablespoon or two of olive oil in an extra-large frying pan or grill pan. Once hot gently place the whole trout in it and fry for about 8 minutes. Gently flip, add a splash or two of Stone’s Original Green Ginger Wine. Fry/cook the fish for another 8 minutes, or until all liquid has been absorbed and the fish skin is nice and crispy. Cooking times may vary depending on the fish size and weight. Remove fish from pan, set aside in a warm place, while making the final sauce to garnish.
Clean the pan and on a medium heat add 2 tablespoons of butter and a splash of the extra virgin olive oil then saute the ginger, garlic, mushrooms and zucchini in that order. Add the remaining Stone’s Original Ginger Wine to the pan and simmer gently until zucchini is just tender before adding the herbs, lemon juice and remaining butter. Gently heat through until butter has melted then remove from heat.
Arrange trout onto serving plates and spoon over the sauce, garnish with fresh herbs & toasted almonds.